FCI has a PDC (Product Development Cell) where it discovers the entire range of products in our range. Here we constantly monitor each and every products strength, self-life, active matters etc,.

Consistency of the quality is our strength and it is totally controlled in our PDC. Apart from our PDC, we have PAC (Product Application Cell) all over Italy and most part of the Globe wherever leather finishing is made in volume.

flow chart


Technology and updation is our habit. Leather Finishing always meet new technology and constant updation of new fashion and trends. Our technical team is always focussed on new updation every time. Time saving formulations with new combination of product is the main Aim of our PAC.

Our technical team is always ready to provide advice, assistance and final solution for any type of Leather Finishing.



Each and every product in FCI is made with environment in mind. FCI is very attentive while manufacturing each product without disturbing the environment. Industries and Technology has a huge part in creating pollution to the World. So we are very cautious while making our products that should not emit any pollution on application.

Our products while pass all tests and standards expected by the buyers and brands.

Why Choose Us

Great Reasons For People Choose FCI

Leather finishing is an art, where ideas converted into application. FCI is a company produce and sell specialized chemicals exclusively for Finishing of Leathers.

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Optimized Solutions

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Santa Croce Sull'arno,
Tuscany, Italy
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